Saturday, 12 December 2009

Some Parrots Can Be a Real Challenge

There are hundreds of different parrot species all different in size, color or temperament.

Speaking with word association comes to mind when one thinks of parrots, but they aren’t all equal in their ability to talk.

What really sets the different species apart is how hard each is to tame, and care for.

Some of the most challenging parrots are the cockatoos, the macaws and the amazons.


Cockatoos are highly loyal, cuddly and affectionate parrots, but it comes with a price. They need attention and a lot of it.

If you are thinking of getting a cockatoo be prepared to spend the best part of your day keeping it company. A cockatoo that is ignored for most of the day will become a real terror. Most noticeable will be screaming.

A screaming cockatoo can be heard for blocks. Not only will your neighbors hate you, but you won’t be able to stand being in the same room as it.

If you are willing to spend the time they demand with one, a cockatoo is a very devoted parrot, but they aren’t for anyone that doesn’t have the time to socialize with them.


First of all with all but a few exceptions, macaw birds are big.

All macaws, including the mini macaws can be extremely loud.

These birds need almost as much attention as the cockatoos do or they will turn into real terrors that scream and bite.

They don’t usually bite hard, but if they do they can easily break a finger.

With proper training macaws don’t bite, but if you don’t know the bird use a little caution.

Macaws may not be ideal for everyone, but they are fantastic pets in the hands of someone who is willing to spend the time and energy to tame and train one.


If they have enough room and toys to play with amazon birds can be left alone longer than the other two. What makes them a challenge is their aggressive nature.

For someone that doesn’t have experience with parrots their aggressive nature can present a real challenge.

As with the other two parrots, if they aren’t properly trained they can be loud and noisy.

Amazons need a firm hand when they get aggressive, but they are great parrots that are almost as good at talking as The African Gray parrot.

If you educate yourself about what you are getting into before buying one, any one of these parrots will make a good choice for a pet parrot.
Did you know that cockatoo birds are consider the most cuddly of all the parrot species.
Even though they may be a challenge macaw birds are considered the gentle giants of the parrot world.
Find out more about the different parrot species at Pet Parrots Web.

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